Captain Morgan Spiced 700ml
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Captain Morgan Spiced 70cl
Smooth and medium bodied, Captain Morgan Original Spiced is a spirit drink based on a secret blend of Caribbean rums, mellow spice and other natural flavours. It gets its distinct richness and amber colour from aging the rum in charred white oak barrels. Captain Morgan Original Spiced is the perfect mix with Cola – the secret recipe of spices blend with the Cola to make a legendary mix!
Smooth and medium bodied, Captain Morgan Original Spiced is a spirit drink based on a secret blend of Caribbean rums, mellow spice and other natural flavours. It gets its distinct richness and amber colour from aging the rum in charred white oak barrels. Captain Morgan Original Spiced is the perfect mix with Cola – the secret recipe of spices blend with the Cola to make a legendary mix!
Captain Morgan Black – 70cl
Captain Morgan ® Black rum has serious depth of flavour, recalling the navy “rum rations” which went down so well with sailors, swashbuckling adventurers and connoisseurs alike. It is a blend of pot and continuous still rums from Jamaica, Guyana & Barbados and is aged in oak and has a dark, full-bodied colour and distinctive rich taste that are unmistakable. Try using Captain Morgan Black with ginger ale for a true taste of the Caribbean.
Captain Morgan ® Black rum has serious depth of flavour, recalling the navy “rum rations” which went down so well with sailors, swashbuckling adventurers and connoisseurs alike. It is a blend of pot and continuous still rums from Jamaica, Guyana & Barbados and is aged in oak and has a dark, full-bodied colour and distinctive rich taste that are unmistakable. Try using Captain Morgan Black with ginger ale for a true taste of the Caribbean.
Black Head White Rum – 70cl
Black Head White rum, a delicious white rum which is especially used to create cocktails.
Black Head White rum, a delicious white rum which is especially used to create cocktails.